Kurz vor der nächsten Konferenz des IOC Executive Boards beabsichtigt der AIBA Präsident Gafur Rahimov von seinen Ämtern zurückzutreten. Dies gab Rahimov in einer offiziellen Erklärung bekannt.
Gafur Rahimov gibt Rücktritt bekannt
Demnach will Rahimov am Wochenende ein Telekonferenz einberufen, um mit dem AIBA-Exekutivkomitee den Prozess für die Ernennung eines Interimspräsidenten einzuleiten.
Rahimov steht wegen vermeintlichen kriminellen Machenschaften in der Kritik. Das IOC macht das Fortbestehen des Boxens bei den olympischen Spielen auch von der Führungsstruktur abhängig.
Dem britischen Guardian zufolge sagte ein Sprecher des IOC, dass der Rücktritt von Rahimov nichts ändern würde: „Dies macht keinen Unterschied für die Untersuchung des IOC. Es geht nicht nur um eine Person.“
Das Executive Board des IOC tagt vom 26.3. – 28.3. in Lausanne.
Das Statement von Gafur Rahimov
Having dedicated myself to the great sport of Boxing and the Olympic Movement for over 25 year, I have always put the well-being of our sport and our athletes above all else. That is especially true this last year, having spent countless days and nights working hard to ensure that our sport finally broke free of the bad past to become stronger and healthier than ever before.
I am very proud of the work that AIBA has accomplished and the significant progress that was made in a number of areas, including: our improved Governance policies which now puts AIBA among the top half of all Summer IFs. Our commitment to the fight for clean sport which resulted in AIBA being among the first IFs to partner with the ITA and enabled AIBA to become fully compliant with the WADA Code. Our stable financial situation which is the result of the implementation of sound, disciplined budget practices and regained trust from many partners. And last but not least, our successful implementation of a new Refereeing and Judging system which has received praise from our Olympic partners.
I truly believe that the work done this last year has revitalized and energized AIBA and boxing.
However, despite these efforts, there have been many discussions these last few months about the future of Olympic boxing. A lot of that was mainly focused on politics and not sport. While I had truly hoped and believed that sport and politics could be separated, and that the good work and positive changes being infused into AIBA would be recognized, the politically based discussions have put into question the progress being made throughout the AIBA organization.
Once again, as I have stated before on numerous occasions, I attest and confirm that the allegations against me were fabricated and based on politically motivated lies; I trust that the truth will prevail. Nevertheless, I have always said that I would never put myself above Boxing, and as President, I have a duty to do everything in my power to serve our sport and our athletes.
Therefore, given the current situation, I have informed the AIBA Executive Committee of my intent to step aside as AIBA President in accordance with the AIBA Statutes and Bylaws, which allow the President to renounce to exercise his powers and to be replaced by an Interim President. I have called an AIBA Executive Committee’s teleconference meeting over the weekend to address this matter and initiate the process of appointing an Interim President.
I am convinced that all the good initiatives that have been implemented this last year will serve as a foundation that will continue to strengthen our sport in the future.